Youth 2020 Can – Cowichan

Youth 20/20 Can is a project connecting youth volunteers between 15 and 29 years old in Cowichan and the surrounding areas. Volunteers share ideas about projects, events or activities that matter and that they want to lead and manage, partnering with community groups, local businesses, and mentors to turn ideas into reality. Expect to see opportunities in the environment, caring for people and animals, community development, creating and the arts, healthy living and education, event planning and promotion, sports and recreation, and fighting poverty. Join us to volunteer in your community and participate in our free training and learning events!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated!

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The benefits of the program include: 

–  Participation in free training and learning events
–  Building connections and networks
–  Gaining employment skills and references
–  Having fun and meeting new friends!
–  Leading and inspiring change in your community

Meet Our Team


Holly Ellison (she/her)

 Holly is happy to call the Cowichan Valley home again after completing her commerce degree in Operations Management at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. As a Program Coordinator for the Youth 20/20 Can Cowichan program, Holly hopes to inspire youth to give back to their community through volunteering and to develop new skills that can help them get ahead in their future careers. With her previous experience volunteering with organizations including the Alpine Club of Canada and Special Olympics, she has seen firsthand how volunteering in something you are passionate about can help make a difference.

Holly has been with the Youth 20/20 Can Cowichan program for the past three years and has helped youth in the Cowichan Valley discover and explore their passions through volunteerism. Her main goal is to let the youth take the lead in spearheading projects they are passionate in and to guide them along the way. 


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Youth 20/20 Can
volunteer cowichan